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158 pages. UPDATED. This Guide is a joint initiative of the MRC and the ILO project: 'Sustainable Supply Chains to Build Forward Better' (SSCBFB) and through the support of the European Union. It aims to provide practical guidance to employers in the rubber industry in Malaysia, particularly those employing migrant workers, on how to identify risks of forced labour in the recruitment, employment and sourcing practices, and how to effectively address, prevent and eliminate these risks. The Guide is the product of desk research, field interview and employers' consultation, and is adapted from the ILO/MEF publication Business responsibility on preventing and addressing forced labour in Malaysia (2019). It is particularly useful for existing and potential investors, business owners, directors and senior management of companies in the rubber industry in Malaysia, especially companies that export their products to the global market and want to optimize growth and sustainability. It is also a practical guide for managers and staff responsible for human resources management, as well as social and legal compliance at the enterprise level. (The link to the updated guide is as follows: https://www.ilo.org/asia/publications/WCMS_853094/lang--en/index.htm)
Publisher: Malaysian Rubber Council (MRC)
Publication Date:9 August 2022
Category: Handbook & Manual
Type: PDF
Copyright: Yes
Accessibility: Members
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